"I started drawing with pastels a little over a year ago" • Andrea Scattolini

Andrea Scattolini has been engaging himself in drawing for a short time, but at his hands are created true masterpieces!
Read the whole interview with an Italian artist who fell for the charm of the Renaissance and has gained experience from the best of the best, the Italian Renaissance masters themselves!
Hello Andrea. First of all, we would like to ask you, would you present yourself more as a drawing artist or a photographer?
Hi! I think of myself with both of these aspects. I started with photography and then, a little over a year ago, I dedicated myself to drawing with pastels. I like to think I have two souls, classic and modern, to express myself.
Interesting thought. How did you get into art? Was it through photography or rather traditional art techniques?
At first, photography has given me the opportunity to see and represent reality in a certain way.

Did you attend an art school or learn everything by yourself?
I learned, and I’m still learning!, on my own. I started drawing during the second Covid lockdown in Italy in 2020. It was winter and after the work shift at the hospital, during the many hours locked up at home, I felt an irrepressible need to create something. Perhaps to escape from the heavy situation.
Unbelievable that you have been drawing for only two years and your drawings are absolutely perfect. Why did you focus on the Renaissance?
I love figurative art. I know it doesn't respond to the taste of modern or contemporary art, but I find the figurative representation very fascinating. Renaissance art has incredible strength, in it, we find a perfect balance between classic and modern. For example, Tizian's later works seem almost impressionist.
You are right about that, the creation of many Renaissance artists culminated in expressively tuned works. Do you have any favorite period or painter in Renaissance, or do you admire the whole style?
I like the whole Renaissance period and besides the most famous great masters such as Botticelli, Raffaello, Michelangelo and Leonardo, I like the perfection of Andrea del Sarto, the colors of Pontormo, the "cinematographic” art of Tintoretto, the portraits of Bronzino… many others artists and paintings.

You really have an overview of the Renaissance. Do you choose the themes of the paintings entirely by yourself, or do you also create custom artworks?
I usually choose them by myself, but sometimes I also listen to personalized proposals. I'm also trying to create something entirely original, like the pastel work “Deposizione di Leopoli”, inspired by the cruel war in Ukraine.
On what masterpieces are you only about to work?
Now, I’m working on a portrait by Bronzino and some faces of Caravaggio’ paintings.
Why did you choose soft pastel and not oil painting as an art medium for creating your reproductions?
For a very simple reason: I found them more immediate to use than oil painting. It is as if the color came out of my fingers. You can lay out many layers and also create “sfumato” technique. I can say they are very versatile, they allow you to use them in various ways. And they also have beautiful colors.
When we are talking about techniques, do you have any favorite products from Koh-i-noor that you like to use?
Oh yes. The first products I used are the soft pastels Toison d’Or, the pastel pencil Gioconda and the sketching/drawing set. I still use these products and I enjoy them.
We're glad to hear it! Which artwork has been the most demanding so far?
“La battaglia di San Romano”, Paolo Uccello. So many details. Also the drapery in Caravaggio’ San Matteo e l’angelo.

How much time does it take on average to create one picture? Is it hours, days, or even months?
It depends on the size and details of the subject. On average I spend from 2 weeks to 1 month, 2 to 4 hours a day, not really every day.
Apart from the painting treasures, we find many significant sculptures dated to the Renaissance period. Are you planning, by chance, to create any as well?
It's part of my projects, even if it's just an idea for now.

Have you already held any exhibition of your drawings, or do you plan one?
I would like that very much. I recently joined a beautiful art association, La Macia de Color in Verona, that organizes exhibitions. I hope to be part of it sooner or later.
Amazing, fingers crossed! Is it possible to see your works live somewhere or purchase them?
For now, the only place where you can see my works is my home. Except for an artwork exhibited in the gallery of the aforementioned association and another in the waiting room of the hospital where I work. To purchase my artworks just contact me on Instagram.