Let's draw on textile with your kids!

You can draw on anything! Did you know that in the Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth assortment, you also find textile markers that will certainly enthuse little artists?
If not, keep reading, take inspiration from our simple tutorial, and let's start creating with kids.
With textile markers, you can draw on any, ideally, light-colored fabric, such as a t-shirt, canvas bag, or even canvas shoes.

In our case, we decided with our little helper on the simplest and, at the same time, most practical variant, a white t-shirt. It's handy to insert cardboard to facilitate drawing on the t-shirt. That done, nothing is stopping you from starting.
Firstly, draw a motif on the paper to serve as a template. It's very wise to think ahead about what you want to draw on the fabric, as the drawing by textile marker can't be corrected or erased.

Our little helper used the marker right on the t-shirt to create an outline of the whole picture according to the beforehand prepared motif.
Having the outline complete, we started to play with colors.

An advantage of textile markers resides in their ability to dry quickly, so you don't have to wait between individual steps.

When you finish the picture, you can, just in case, iron it with parchment paper, and it's done!