New Fixatives are here!

For all fine arts enthusiasts, we have a piece of great news! We launch new exclusive products which please all draftsmen, painters, and talented DIYers.
These products are two new variants of favorite fixative, Fixative Art and Fixative Creative, providing to your artworks well-deserved protection.
We gave it our best in its development, that is why we had invited for cooperation an experienced and talented Czech artist Michal Janovský, who has dedicated himself to drawing by using pastels a long time ago.

“I'm glad that Koh-i-noor had the patience when I was constantly returning unsatisfactory samples. That's what the development of new Fixative Art looked like. But now it's here, and it's perfect!” says Michal, who was a great help in the creation of a new formula for the lacquering liquid and also the spray, which transforms liquid into a perfectly fixating fine mist, which does not stain the artwork.
“Spray is applied in several layers for an intense fixation and is very gentle not only to pastel drawing,” Michal adds.
Within three years, we were together debugging new Fixative Art, which will impress you for its:
NEW FORMULA - gentle spray with UV filter increases colors lightfastness
EXTRA SOFT SPRAYER - extra gentle sprayer nozzle prevents from creating stains on the piece of artwork
EASY AND EFFICIENT FIXATION - fine mist perfectly fixates a drawing and does not change the color tones of the artwork (with the exception of drawings made with a pen, ballpoint pen and markers with the pigments soluble in the organic solvents)
Moreover, we created with Michal Janovský also two completely new sets of his favorite soft pastels. Unique colors of pastels are, for their character, an ideal choice for portrait and landscape drawing. They're worth a try!
If you like to embark on creative projects such as painting on pebbles, Keraplast modeling, or batik, Fixative Creative certainly comes in handy. It will protect your artwork in a similar way as, for example, a layer of fixative lacquer.

Fixative Creative is suitable for various types of surfaces and materials, such as stone, wood, paper, Keraplast, or textile. It can also be used for the fixation of dried or fresh flowers, which have recently become an upward trend in interior design.
It excellently fixates and, at the same time, protects a painting executed with acrylic modeling paste, tempera, and watercolors, but also surfaces decorated with paper napkin decoupage or crackle lacquers. However, it is completely unsuitable for drawings made with a pen, a ballpoint pen or markers whose refill contains the pigments soluble in the organic solvents and may damage the artwork.
Why should Fixative Creative belong to your equipment?
REPLACES BRUSHING LACQUER after the fixation, the surface is as protected as when lacquering with a thin layer of lacquer
TWO LAYERS ARE ENOUGH after getting dry, the surface is abrasion-resistant and partly also water-resistant
CONTAINS UV FILTER formula with UV filter protects colors from light

Now it's only up to you which Fixative to choose. Whichever it will be, with its purchase, you certainly won't make a mistake, because their properties are really unique and possibilities of use practically unlimited!