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Colorful Paper Masks

Children love creating with colorful construction paper, and if you have at least a few sheets of this paper at home, you can create a colorful paper mask for kids and adults with us.

In addition to construction paper, you'll also need scissors, a glue stick, a pencil, and a thinner elastic band. It'll be fun!

Construction paper is available, as other things needed for this tutorial, on our online store and in our Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth stores. You can choose from various sets of classic construction paper or give a chance to crepe paper and corrugated cardboard, which might interest you.

First, prepare everything you need, i.e., construction paper, scissors, a pencil, a glue stick, and a transparent elastic band.

Start with outlining the mask with a pencil on the selected paper and cut it out. Do the same with the first paper feathers.

Glue the colorful cut-out feathers to the main part of the mask with a glue stick.

When you have everything glued, draw the outlines for eye holes and carefully cut them out with scissors.

Then cut some more feathers of various sizes and glue them to others. This way, you create an interesting multicolored crown.

In addition to feathers, you can cut other shapes out of construction paper with which you finish the mask.

Sketch a triangular outline for a nose hole in the middle of the bottom edge with a pencil and cut it out.

Create a spatial nose from a piece of construction paper, fold it in the middle, and then glue it to the mask.

To finish, ask your parents to create a tiny hole at both sides of the mask through which you thread a transparent elastic band.

And it's complete! Follow our social networks, where you'll find lots of creative content,

including more step-by-step tutorials for children and grown-ups.

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